Dubai Peace Tech Panel

We need to start democratizing the ability to learn and contribute to GEOINT and IMINIT, starting with increasing funding for these programs at community colleges and public universities.

Antalya Diplomacy Forum

Does technology enable or hinder peace mediation?

Doha Debates

With prudence, in the right hands, in enough hands, in our hands, these newly accessible technologies can lead to more transparent research, to better informed analysis, and to the enfranchisement of a populace — us — to become a bigger part of our global narrative of peacebuilding.

the case for peace tech

We can, and should, embrace emerging technology as a tool to foster peace. By leveraging peace tech - specifically satellite data - we can engage global citizens in peace building conversations. Peace tech is driving a revolutionary shift in peace-building affairs: It is decentralizing the power

to broker peace from governments to nongovernmental actors and the private sector. Peace should not be politicized. We are at a critical juncture in time in which international actors have license to access, and apply, tech for good.

engaging private and public sector partners to facilitate sustainable peace

International actors like the United Nations are strategically positioned to promote, build, and sustain peace. Collaboration between policy makers and data experts is essential to more effectively channel resources and develop comprehensive intervention strategies. In partnership with the UN Innovation Cell and Element 84, Armillary Services is collaboratively designing a

water insecurity risk matrix and data visualization mapping tool that will allow policy makers at multilateral levels of governance to make informed decisions. This product will pinpoint high-stress areas that have the potential to aggravate peace and security, and equip stakeholders with the necessary data to take preventative action.